My homie Phil is in the process of starting a magazine called NUE. I've known Phil since we were in the sixth grade or some b/s, so you could say we go back a ways. The mag is looking pretty legit and the first issue should have some worthy content for some hungry eyes. I asked Phil to give me some info about what he's trying to do with the mag and here's what he had to say....
sup man its me big P, holdin' strong u know....anyways

Yeah, so basically what Im trying to do with this magazine is just try and bring something to the youth, hell and even the older genertaion, that hasn't been seen around here. I mean you know everyone knows the central coast but just as some fucking snobby place where Oprah hangs out on vacation and we all fucking golf on the beach or something stupid. None of the things going on locally get any recognition for what they do and I figured what better way then to put together something so people can see with their own eyes whats really going on. On the other hand, I wanted to try and bring some outside culture in, being a Santa Maria local I know what its like to try and find out whats going on in the "real world" and what all is out there. So its really a give and take type of thing and I think, well hey I like music, skating, clothes, beer, food, film, all that stuff, and I knows there other people out there so lets do something with it and make it happen. Thats what I wanna do with NUE.

The first issue will include: The Get all Saucy Like interview Ben Cabreana. "Chili, Wine, Electric Apricot"... a Mexican style chili recipe by Micah Boyd. DNA Groove Clothing- Mod Fashion of 2011. Album & Band Reviews + Comics by William Mendez. Reader Columns by Kanen Logan. And a Brew Swet Article written by yours truly. Check out their site and show some support!