Monday, July 26, 2010
posted the FULL monumental video on the BREW-TUBE page. check it.......then go get some!
if you never saw this..........your seein it now. Keith's ad shot on an Ambission trip last year I want to say. check out the quazi-homo-erotic Garett supporting the jam. pretty rad if you ask me. Thanks Dylan.
Friday, July 23, 2010
saw this piece of awesomeness yesterday. a portable BBQ that resembles a beer keg. perfect for a park shreddin flame broilin trip if you ask me.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Battle of the Babies
Two eleventeen year olds got in an INSANELY GNARLY BRAWL yesterday... amounting to one hay-maker to the schnoz of a little shredder. The kid was supposedly defending his board from being hijacked by another pre-pubescent park lurk, but apparently his nose did all the blocking. The result... 5 Gwinnett County officers, tazers drawn, and a fire truck for good measure.
Fortunately, the 5-0 was so distraught, they didn't have time to notice a few brew swetters throwin' back some tall cans in the shadows!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
how does this even happen?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
When It Rains...
It poured down rain Monday. Despite the gloomy weather, Geronimo, Matt, and I decide to keep up our Monday ritual of skating something new.
Geronimo consulted the droid as we headed down to Atlanta...
We hit up the mellow mushroom ledge in one of the hundreds of parking garages littering the city. Tyler met us there with his two nephews and we waited for other Matt to show up from the Marta.
I got a nosegrind pop-out...
And Matt threw down a pointy back-smith.
After shreddin' this perfect ledge we headed out to Hazard County indoor park... no photos, but the homies killed it.
After swetin' it out in humidity so thick you could cut it with a knife, we cruised over to the Righteous Room for a brew.
Geronimo doesn't ever like to end the day. So we cruised it over to the Marta Station to drop other Matt off and get a quick night sesh in. Although Matt never rolled away from this switch front crook, it looked too good not to share. He'll get it next week.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
as all great holiday weekends come to a screeching halt, the day after the 4th for us was a great day to catch up on some serious shred. ty, rob and I made a journey away from the land of no fun (SLO) on a mission to skate something of a concrete nature. we arrive at shane's house to find him only in the rarest of forms. who am i all too familiar booze smelling guy which for some reason or another is able to film his ass off and do a damn good job. after stepping in human turds and dropping his glasses into sewage, shane was able to catch the little guy with a skinny ollie into the bank.
I myself was in hopes of coming away with a pivot fakie just before heading out to solvang.

then back to slo to get ready for another work week. if only it could last forever........til next time.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Never a dull day with Geronimo as captain...
Although super delayed, and having nothing to do with this post, I figured I'd throw it up anyway... Happy Go Skateboarding Day from Atlanta's Finest!
Started out the day wondering if we'd ever go skate. Geronimo wanted to watch the first half of the Netherlands vs. Uruguay game. Thankfully he was over it and we headed for city to get loose and nab up another homie, Jordan.
Hooked the ledge up with a lipslide, then bailed to the check the next spot.
White ledges is where we wound up next, with four of these babies in a row. We soon found ourselves on the out though, as the ledges had just been painted and the teachers weren't into painting them again.
On the way out, I snapped a photo of this hectic Andrew Allen ollie to bank. Where the regular footers at?
After gettin' the boot, we barged some traffic on our way to Duncan Creek. 4 bowls to choose from, with another mini-bowl section, and some street shit too... Gwinett County knows whats up, no helmets, no pads, no nannies, no bullshit...
Geronimo threw down a beastly frontside slasher, one of my favorite tricks of the day...
Although Duncan Creek has lights, we were all pretty worn out from the day, we grabbed some Za at Felinni's and figured the next stop was home, until Jordan suggested one last spot. So we rolled through the hood as the clock rolled over midnight, and got to this bank spot, where everyone threw down a trick, Matt claimed sickest trick of the day though with this beastly frontside wallride. Yeeee Buddy!
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