as all great holiday weekends come to a screeching halt, the day after the 4th for us was a great day to catch up on some serious shred. ty, rob and I made a journey away from the land of no fun (SLO) on a mission to skate something of a concrete nature. we arrive at shane's house to find him only in the rarest of forms. who am i all too familiar booze smelling guy which for some reason or another is able to film his ass off and do a damn good job. after stepping in human turds and dropping his glasses into sewage, shane was able to catch the little guy with a skinny ollie into the bank.
I myself was in hopes of coming away with a pivot fakie just before heading out to solvang.

then back to slo to get ready for another work week. if only it could last forever........til next time.
sick photos cheers!