It all started Thursday or so........waking to the same fuckin day over and over again til your 65 and dying really takes its toll. Phone calls begin and blabber about getting out of the stale hole (SLO) comes to reality as a driver commits to the trek. So item #1 on the agenda = meeting the crew.
prior to arriving, I get the usual early morning call from the Devil (6:45 to be exact) telling me that there is a potential second driver. Sure enough as I roll up to Austin's, Blair tells me of the unfortunate rock paper scissors battle lost to Johnny that determined who was driver #2. Thanks Blair. Time to lock and load this bitch and get out.
Johnny Ransom back for the attack after several months in DC. Welcome home..........if it was me i wouldnt have come back. Who am i kidding, Im on round 3. SLO always wins.
Guess Who?
Last to arrive, Jason "the Core" rollin up with the rad dad blanket pile. Lets get this show on the road.
El Broiler ready for action
Miles and miles til our destination with attempts at sleep, sabbath and anticipation. Only then to arrive at the Red Plaza in San Jose for some much needed shred (see part 1 for the couple skate shots from the day)
We get to the east bay, after dark of course, to meet with the one and only Keith "keefers" Warter. After engaging in the normal BS activities and some instrumental stylings, we gear up for a chilly berkley sesh.
Almost to cold to skate, the crew sucked it up and got to empty park is always the shit. Filming lurkers walked with some awesome shots.
Then this fuckin guy. Blair Ridings has got to be one of the downest muvuggers to hit the scene. Always in good spirits and smashing through any terrain in his path, and for the first BS trip of his time, he delivered. frontside floater featuring blur.
This random onlurker was pretty sick. he wasnt heckling or bugging at all. just down for the cause. after some talking about BS and what we are about, he proceeded to tell me "I like your guys' attitude and vibe!" He too now reps the Swet.
after some shreddin we made a run for the border. this was too perfect and luckily no one got banned indefinitely.
Back to Keefers country for alittle more BSn' before the night leads to splitsville.
In case you didnt know, besides filming the devil can sit behind some drums.
unfortunately no one could take on having 8 dudes crashing on their floors or in their hallways so it was off to the city for half of us. Some in hopes to get some girly action (see part one for some serious cracker grindage), others to drink at the bar. those who stayed behind tell tales of drunken hill bombing and other intoxicating events. Word is that Mr. Ridings took the hill bomb to the next level. I got dropped off with Kyle and went off for some drinks, packed it in early and hit the BART back in the morning. Blurred bart rides are ok.
This is what gets your motor running to take on the day, and across the street from keefers' house lies the Pie Queen. this place was the shit.
after the breakfast chomp we argued on city or east bay. Ultimately the east bay won, only to skate 1 spot and go back over the bridge. Tight.
Sorry for laggin dudes, we had to wash the not girl stank off us.
oh yeah, and packing 5 into a 4 seater sucks, especially if Keith is the middle man. that is one big dude. Kyle got bummed.
After the Devil got screwed over at every spot he wanted to go to, and hours of driving the city with too many brains wanting too may things, we stumbled upon this 5 stair hill bomb spot. pretty sick when by standards want to chat and turn on porch lights and catch runaway boards and NOT kick out. only in SF.
Shane got to work as did others. the rest stood and looked out for traffic and froze our asses off. the darkness always comes and home is always a few hours away, its just too bad. I never want to go back to the SLO life. we always have a hell of a trip. Thanks to all the homies that shredded fast, drove, let us crash and support the SWET. BS POR VIDA!!!! Til next time.....................