I've gained a new respect for the working skater. When you work, especially without a fixed schedule, you cant just find time to skate, you've got to make time to skate. After working a double, and being at the restaurant all damn day, I was finishing up my shift beer when I got a call from my buddy Geronimo. He and a few friends were in the car ready to go skate downtown. Told me they'd wait for me, so I slammed down the last of my Turbodog, and mashed out. Our first spot was this sick ass bank to ledge.... hassle-free, perfectly lit, with a downhill runway. Boardslide, noseslide, front board, crooks, and tailslide all went down simply as an homage to the skate gods. No camera, no photos, just good ol' skateboarding.

After this spot, we cruised over to two up, two down which is exactly what it sounds like. After puttin' in some work there we headed over to yet another ledge spot, where that ledge Marc Johnson did the noseblunt to switch back noseblunt over the little metal thing is. Spot is super sketchy. After a couple more spots, all was said 'n done. We got back home around 4 or so, completely burnt... all just to wake up and go to back to the grind the next day. So, if you're a skater and hold down a job, go ahead and pat yourself on the back, and keep your eyes lookin forward to the next sesh. Gotta have some way to get though the B/S right?
well said, saucetin