Last Saturday I went with my buddy Garrett to check out Atlanta's Living Walls Conference. The idea behind the project is to reach out to the public and connect people interacting within the city with the street artists that give face and style to a lot of the walls surrounding them. Its their second year putting on the event, and it was really rad. You can bring your own beer, doesn't cost a dime to get in, live music, and tons of artwork. Grabbed myself a 12 pack of Pabst, and let the night begin.

The band was alright, the girl playing the banjo couldn't really play the banjo, but the show itself was pretty rad. And it didn't hurt that the girls were wearing half of nothing.

I think its safe to say, every skatebaorder can appreciate this one.

Byob was a nice touch, and its pretty obvious people took advantage of the opportunity. My apologies to the artists, I was a little buzzed at the time and forgot to get the names of the pieces and the artists. If you do a little digging though, you can find them here.
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